
A New Era For Catholicism?

Decent Essays

A New Era for Catholicism? There has been a new renewal in the Catholic Church since Argentina’s Bishop, Father Francis, became the new Pope. This renewal appears evident when listening to the Pope’s speech on homosexuality. Many of the world’s approximately one billion Catholics were shocked that he is taking a liberal stance in the Church and opening the Catholic community to these supposed sinners. However, it is important to consider why people still view Pope Francis as an open-minded Pope, especially since he has shown similar stances as his predecessors. This reaction to the Pope and interpretation of his stance as not fully opposing homosexuality is mostly due to the press defining Pope Francis as the “good” Pope and his predecessor as the “bad” one. Ever since its conception, the Catholic Church has taken a bellicose stance against homosexuals. They either chose to ignore their entire existence or viewed them as devilish heretics, only worth being burned at the stake. Since Father Francis has been named Bishop of the Vatican, the Catholic Church appears to have softened its stance on accepting homosexuals in its community. Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI had strong arguments against homosexuality such as, “All Catholics are obliged to oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions and where such unions are given the legal status and rights that belong to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty” (Pope John Paul II, 2003) or, “homosexual

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