
A Negative Effect Of The Athenian's Rioting In Sparta

Decent Essays

A negative effect of the Athenians rioting against the Spartans is that it caused Sparta to lose trust with Athens. This caused Sparta to eventually break their alliances with Athens. When the Athenians rioted in 508 BCE, the Spartans were forced to hold out in the Athenian Acropolis. They remained there for two days and nights until they agreed to a truce with the Athenians on the third day (Heredotus). Sparta had a history of interfering with Athenian politics. The Spartan king Cleomenes helped the Athenians expel their previous ruler, Hippias (Aristotle). He ruled Athens with his brother after his father, Pisistratus, died. Hippias was banished from Athens . ("Ancient Sources"). His brother, Hipparchus, was assassinated by tyrannicides.

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