
A Narrative Essay About Moving To Acapulaco

Satisfactory Essays

I was born in Puebla the yer of 1999 on January 18th. I have one sister, Angela Dela Pela Campos, and my two parents: Jose Antonio Dela Peña Campos and Rita Campos Carrillo. I lived happily in Puebla when I was a child, I had friends to play with and my school was absolutely awesome. But sadly, my dad was fired from his job so we moved to Acapulco, all of my father’s family is from here so that was the main reason we choose to moved, so he decided to open his own business. We’ve had difficult times, but everything has been the greatest of experience. I made my real friends when I moved to Acapulco, I have 6 best and amazing friends. Two of them have been my friends since elementary school, other two I met them in junior high, and finally

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