
A Midsummer Night's Dream Similarities Between Pyramus And Thisbe

Decent Essays

Many stories share similar qualities with older ones. A Midsummer Night’s Dream by WIlliam Shakespeare mirrors the Greek myth of “Pyramus and Thisbe”. Shakespeare even decided to add the myth into the play by using the Play-Within-The-Play technique. Three major similarities between the two stories are the parents of two lovers disapprove of the relationships, the events of mistaken identity, and the magic that’s involved in the love affairs.

In both stories, two lovers are held back by their parent’s disapproval and take matters into their own hands. In “Pyramus and Thisbe”, Pryamus and Thisbe’s parents keep the two away from each other by building a wall between their rooms so they couldn’t talk to each other. Egeus, Hermia’s father in A …show more content…

In “Pyramus and Thisbe”, the two arrange to meet each other in the woods by the mulberry tree on Ninus Tomb. While waiting for Pyramus to get there, Thisbe sees a lion and runs away in fear of being attacked. She accidentally drops her cloak and the lion rips it into shreds, bloodying it in the process.Once Pyramus gets there, all he sees is the tattered garment and thinks a wild animal has killed his lover. This leads to Pyramus killing himself because he feels guilty that he wasn’t there to protect Thisbe. Later, Thisbe comes back to the forest and ends up killing herself. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Oberon’s servant, Robin, is sent to put a love potion on an Athenian man that Oberon saw in the woods. Oberon saw Demetrius yell at Helena for following him and wants the love potion put on him to make him love Helena as much as Helena loves him. Robin doesn’t know that there are two Athenian men in the forest and mistakes Lysander for Demetrius. Robin ends up putting the spell on Lysander. He doesn’t know these men so it was an understandable mistake.Since the spell makes the victim fall in love with the first person the see, Lysander falls in love with Helena and leaves Hermia. The end result of these events makes the stories interesting and is apart of the

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