
A Meta Analysis Of Literature With Adults, Lyubormski, King, And Diener

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In a meta-analysis of the literature with adults, Lyubormski, King, and Diener (2005) found that happier individuals lived longer, earned more money and were more productive at work, and reported more satisfying interpersonal relationships. Regardless of the environmental use of positive psychology, the importance of happiness is apparent in numerous life domains for college students. Additionally, although there is limited research regarding predominantly college students, research with adolescences establishes the importance of happiness in school as well as in the home and community. Notably, it is school, home and community, which are three key building blocks that compose a college campus.
Students who reported greater happiness …show more content…

Likewise, Noddings provides additional suggestions focused with empirical support. To quote Noddings, “The best schools should resemble the best homes…. The best homes provide continuity of caring relations, attend to and continuously evaluate both inferred and expressed needs, protect from harm without deliberately inflicting pain, communicate so as to develop common and individual interests, work together cooperatively, promote joy in genuine learning, guide moral and spiritual development…. and educate for both self-understanding and group understanding” (p. 260).
Furthermore, if wellbeing is synergistic to better learning an increase in wellbeing is likely to produce an increase in learning. Positive moods also produce broader attention, more creative thinking, and more holistic thinking. That is when compared to negative moods, which produce narrower attention, more critical thinking, and more analytic thinking (Seligman&Ernest, 2009). If college students could use their positive mood and positive thinking to enhance their learning and experience on campus, why doesn’t our education system promote such skills for happiness? Between the high rates of depression among young people, and the interaction between learning and positive emotion, skills for happiness should be taught in school. However, how should school professionals go about doing this?
Huebner and

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