
A Long Way Gone Summary

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In Sierra Leone, innocent children were ripped from their homes and families, raped, killed, and some taken away forced to become child soldiers in their Civil War. After escaping, the wars in their minds were neverending. The effects of being child soldiers had taken a toll on their minds leaving them with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). How would this impact you if it occurred in your life? In “A Long Way Gone” by Ishmael Beah, Beah displays his experience of this harsh reality of PTSD in child soldiers through his personal experiences in the 1980’s-1990’s in Sierra Leone. The lasting trauma of being child soldiers creates atrocious PTSD. Child PTSD is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed because people are experiencing traumatic flashbacks that are triggered by memories which bring them back …show more content…

PTSD takes many forms and arise immediately after the experience or even decades later” according to, a website about therapeutic treatments. In addition, from 1988 to 2004, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda abducted youth as recruits to their guerilla force. More than 60,000 child soldiers are estimated to have been abducted by the LRA, taken from one day to ten years. Many children were taken from their homes, forced to become child soldiers against their will. If 60,000 child soldiers were abducted by the LRA, there are 60,000 people suffering because of the battle in Uganda. Also, in an interview conducted by Journeyman Pictures, the leader of the LRA, Joseph Kony lied about abducting villages. He was trying to cover up for the atrocities that he and his troops had caused. In the video, Kony addresses, “The LRA has never been involved in any abductions, rapes or mutilations. That's just Museveni’s propaganda.” He was blaming others for his wrongdoings. Throughout the interview, Kony blamed it on “Museveni's propaganda” four

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