The Sudanese Civil War displaced and killed millions of people and lasted nearly two decades (Marrel). After reading the article “The ‘Lost Girls’ of Sudan” by Ishbel Mathson and comparing it to “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park, it is clear that both included facts about the Sudanese Civil War, though they focus on different aspects. The war raged in Sudan from 1983-2005, killing roughly two million people and displacing approximately four million at least once (Marrel). The conflict began partially because of the power struggle over the country’s natural resources. Northern Sudan wanted to control the abundant natural resources, including oil and arable land in Southern Sudan. The war was also driven by significant religious differences between the north and south (Marrel). The first event I have chosen to compare and contrast is from the novel “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park, when Salva loses his uncle on their trek to Ethiopia. The second event is a quote from the article “The ‘Lost Girls’ of Sudan”, “After their parents had been killed or lost in the mayhem of the civil war in Southern Sudan, the children spent years wandering through conflict, famine, dodging armies, militias and animal predators seeking a place of safety”. …show more content…
The second event is a quote from “The ‘Lost Girls’ of Sudan.” “After their parents had been killed or lost in the mayhem of the civil war in Southern Sudan, the children spent years wandering through conflict, famine, dodging armies, militias and animal predators seeking a place of safety.” One similarity between these two events is that they both talk about losing family members while trying to survive the treks to safety. Another similarity is that the article mentions dodging militia, which is similar to the first event because a group of Nuer men with guns killed Salva’s
and forced to walk months to somewhere safe. In the novel, A Long Walk to Water, written by Linda Sue Park, history is used as well as slightly altered. The article, The Lost Girls of Sudan, written by Ishabel Matheson, has similar events from the novel. In the other article, The Lost Boys of Sudan by UNICEF, there are some differences when compared to the novel. Linda Sue Park uses history to resettling the lost boys and changes it when they cross the river. A Long Walk to Water and The Lost Girls
How did all the boys and girls survive the South Sudan war? In A Long Walk To Water, Linda Sue Park uses history, and alters it by including how the lost boys go to the United States, just like in The Lost Girls of Sudan. She alters history by changing the number of times it took to get to refugee camps, compared to the amount of time used in The Lost Boys of the Sudan. Linda Sue Park uses and alters history by comparing Salva to other lost boys who went to the United States, and contrasting the
These young children traveled from refugee camp to refugee camp until help from America was received. The historical fiction novel, “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park, and the two articles “The Lost Girls of Sudan” by Ishbel Matheson and “The Lost Boys of Sudan” by UNICEF, all convey the hardships of the children. Linda Sue Park, the author of A Long Walk to Water, alters and uses pieces of history when writing her book. She does this by altering the place the boys migrate to, but also incorporates
walked for years upon end, searching for stable refugee camps or a safe place to stay. A Long Walk To Water is a novel by Linda Sue Park that tells an unforgettable story of a boy named Salva who goes through unimaginable events throughout the story. In the author's note, Park states, “some of the details in the story have been fictionalized but the major events are depicted based on Salvas own experiences”. Park altered history and used history events throughout this novel. There are many other novels
In the book, A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park, Salva shows that success is achieved through constant courage. Some people think that success is achieved through patience, but Salva shows success is achieved through courage and bravery. Salva is nervous about the gun shooting going on around the school, but he was brave enough to go run out of the bushes. “Salva saw all this with one glance. Then he was running, too. Running as hard as he could, into the bush. Away from home. He tripped and
Schafer. The story Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park shows the struggle of how the war in South Sudan affects its people, limiting resources and having to walk for survival. The poem “Silence” by an unknown author tells the story of someone walking and comparing how different life is in first world countries. The theme of both texts is in the face of obstacles, maintain perseverance in order to overcome them. In both texts the narrators describe the land barren, the food and water limited, and having
A Long Walk to Water Hope is the one aspect that can get us through the darkest of times. The novel, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park portrays that when all seemed lost, the hope of a better future helped the people of Sudan get through the hardships of the war. Salva, an 11-year-old boy living in Sudan, was able to motivate himself through the dangerous desert because of his hopes, and dreams. He also was able to form an organization that would help thousands of people because of his desire
The book A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park gives a fascinating story of a real life personal journey. Slava, the main character, was born and for 11 years raised in Sudan in 1985 during the civil war. Slava was a member of a successful family, Slava’s father was the village judge and owned many cattle. Slava was able to go to school, that was not common in Sudan. Slava was at school , his village was under attack and he needed to leave to get safety behind a bush so he would not be hurt , Slava
that explain historical events about Sudan. They are Lost Boys of Sudan by UNICEF and the Lost Girls of Sudan by Ishebel Matheson. In the novel A Long Walk to Water this was Salvas' experience but the author Linda Sue Park altered history and kept in how the boy had to run from a moving war and kept out the treatment from the foster home. Linda Sue Park excludes specific details about the Lost Girls of Sudan and includes the Lost Boys of Sudan to make her novel a better point of view. The novel and
devastating for millions of people, such as the thousands of children who were separated from their families. Countless boys were forced to walk miles just to find refuge, plus the girls who were left unnoticed. A Long Walk to Water, a novel written by Linda Sue Park, is a story about a boy named Salva, which is based off of these events. In the author's note, Park admits “Some of the details in this story have been fictionalized”. However, most of what the story is based on is true. The article The
Imagine walking miles daily without food, water, or family. Well, that is what Salva had to experience daily in A Long Walk to Water. Written by Linda Sue Park, A Long Walk to Water is a book about a young boy named Salva Dut who was separated from his family during the Civil War in 1985. Linda Sue Park is an American author who was inspired to write about Salva’s life story after meeting him. In A Long Walk To Water, Salva faces many challenges including the loss of family members, survival against
between the ages of 7 and 17 were displaced from their homes and were forced to walk all the way through Sudan to Ethiopia. Many people wrote of this, but the most prominent was Linda Sue Park with her novel ‘A Long Walk to Water.’ Of course, Park did not just use real events in her book, which leads us to wonder, ‘how did Linda Sue Park use and alter history in her novel?’ The Lost Boys of Sudan and A Long Walk To Water are similar in many ways. For example, both Salva and the other Lost Boys had
Imagine yourself in the middle of a desert. Stranded. Alone. Hungry. You have so little hope but you keep on going. Wishing and hoping that you will find refuge or more water. You take tiny sips of to save as much as you can. You know that the journey will get harder and harder each day. The texts “A Long Walk To Water” by Linda Sue Park a boy and girl struggle in diverse situations. In “Out of the Dust” by Karen Hesse a girl suffers as she lives through harsh climates. Although, other may disagree it
Salva and Nya? In the story A Long Walk To Water by Linda Sue Park, the two characters in the book are a girl named Nya and a boy named Salva. In the book Salva is a real person while Nya is someone that was made up to show a different perspective of how the people in Sudan live. In the book, Salva is traveling to Ethiopia and then to Kenya hoping to find a safe place to stay for the war. While Nya is safe in her village, her job is to do the house chores and fetch water. People that have experienced
A Long Walk to Water is an excellent novel by Linda Sue Park. The book focuses on two characters, Salva and Nya, during their journey to survive through important challenges. The novel takes place in Southern Sudan during the Second Sudanese Civil War. Salva's story takes place in 1985 when he has to flee his home and becomes one of the lost boys. Nya's story takes place in 2008 and follows her daily journey to find water for her family. Throughout the book, Linda Sue Park demonstrates important