
A Hard Code

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"A Hard Code"- by Gal Howard Code of ethics is always hard to define, with every profession. It's even harder when you're defining it in a way it disturbs your work itself or obligating you to prioritize your missions during work. In this paper, I will present my opinion about the "rescue clause" who has been added to the journalist ethics code. Generally, I'm for it, but I believe that the situation is the X factor, meaning- it depends whether you're reviewing an armed confrontation or reviewing on a civil zone and something bad happens. First of all, I'll present a neutral situation. For example, at the moment of a review, there is an incident with casualties or people who need any help. In that situation, I would have expected that the journalist will leave its own work, and serve help to those who need it, even though he could earn a good story or photos. That is the most obvious example for a need of a rescue clause in the journalist ethic-code. Another example is a situation which a journalist is on his way to review a live scenery, and his help is needed. We, as a society, would have expected him to serve help if needed, instead of reporting …show more content…

In a review from a battlefield, Journalists have a special immunity. In order to have this kind of immunity they should be strict to a behavior code which they do not take side or interfere with the battle occurrences. In the article By Aviv Lavie, he brings many situations held while confronting between the IDF and the Palestinians. One of them is a story of two Israeli journalists, who covered a battle held in the Gaza strip. On that battle, one of the journalists decided to take action and report a Palestinian subterfuge activity against the IDF. A short while after the report, the place they had been reporting from got shot by Palestinian forces. This case shows, in my opinion, that they have clearly violated the unwritten terms which constitutes the pillars of this

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