
A Good Man Is Hard To Find Analysis

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“She would have been a good woman,” The Misfit said, “if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life,” (O’Conner pg. 418). In Flannery O’Conner’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” she explained the dynamics of how the grandmother is an unlikely recipient of grace, she related the actions of the Misfit with religion, and also, the intangible definitions of a good man. The short story is about a family going on a trip to Florida, but the grandmother did not want to go on this trip. She wanted to go to Tennessee, but since she lived with her son Bailey she went with them where they wanted to go. While on the drive the grandmother remembers about a plantation she went to when she was a young lady. Bailey decides …show more content…

She doesn’t know that she isn’t where she thinks she is, so she gives directions, then they get into a car crash, which is due to her obliviousness of her surroundings. In addition, to her obliviousness the crash was also due to her manipulative behavior. The whole reason they go to the plantation is because she manipulates her son into taking everyone. She does this by enticing the kids on how exciting and wonderful the house and land were, so the children were super excited and Bailey didn’t want to ruin the trip so he takes them, even though he does not want to go. While he drives up they then have the car crash into a ditch, which the grandmother then remembers how this isn’t even the state of where she would visit the old plantation, but decides to keep that to herself (O’Conner pgs. 410-412).
“A Good Man emphasizes, in what seems a deliberate parallel with the opening of Paradise Lost, the power of demonic character traits. Then the book outlines, in its own version of Milton’s Dialogue in Heaven, the power of Divine Providence for conquering the demonic” (Loomis). Flannery O’Conner has hidden descriptive actions and characteristics of how the Misfit is comparable to religious acts. She writes as if he is demonic and how he chooses to be like this because he doesn’t believe he needs help. “Even though she once stated that The Misfit had a “more profoundly felt involvement with Christ’s action” than did the superficially pious Grandmother whom he killed,

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