
A Good Life Essay : The Quality Of Life

Decent Essays

The question of what is the “good life” has been contemplated for millenia. Quality of life can be understood in a number of ways depending on the area of the world you live in. The culture of a certain place can influence how a society will identify a ‘successful’ well-being; whether it be aspects like economically, socially, health related, or governance. The quality of life is defined as the general well-being of individuals and society’s way of outlining negative and positive features of life. According to an Economic Report written by The United States Congress in September of 1995, the Index of Well-Being was 101.2, down slightly from its August reading of 101.4, which was the highest index recorded since the benchmark of 100 in April of 1990. Many people around the world struggle to fulfill their outtake of a successful quality of life. Although many individuals may believe a good quality of life is difficult to have, it is actually, quite simple to achieve because quality of life can be affected in environmental, financial, and social ways. The environment a person lives in can affect the way a person perceives their personal standards. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), quality of life is also defined as “the individual’s’ perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live in and relation to their goals”. Exposure to air, water, and noise pollution can have a direct impact on the health of

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