
A Few Good Men

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In the movie A Few Good Men, there is a large overlying problem in how Dawson and Downey succumb to blindly following their superior’s crude moral values. In his article “Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem,” Erich Fromm studies the acts of obedience and the subsequent disobedience from a psychological standpoint. He begins by attesting disobedience to the beginning of true human life and obedience to the lingering doom that humans faced during the cold war. He continues to further break apart obedience into separate influential categories. Finally ending with the instructions as to how one learns to disobey (Fromm 12. In his article “The Genocidal Killer in the Mirror,” Crispin Sartwell explains the men who served as the …show more content…

He would classify their obedience as such because they submit blindly to the orders of Colonial Jessep, whether he be in person or only in their minds. Finally, he would explain the authoritarian conscience as stemming from an irrational authority because Col. Jessep had to use his powers in a detrimental way to obtain the result (Fromm 126). Sartwell would agree with Fromm however, he would attribute Dawson and Downey’s willingness to defer to authority as to why they are so easily controlled by Col. Jessep (118). He believes that every person can submit to authority with the help of other people (Sartwell 118). According to Saul McLeod a psychology tutor and University and owner of Psychology Today the superego, as once stated by the infamous psychologist Sigmund Freud, oversees making humans feel guilty in situations where they did not act ideally or it can instill pride during times where they did act ideally. This idea of a superego can be used to give further explanation as to why Dawson and Downey are so inclined to listen to and follow Col. Jessep even though he was not the one to physically tell them to give Santiago the code red (McLeod). Fromm would agree with McLeod that this ability of the superego to persuade a person one way or the other leads to an easier ability to control another person. Just as Fromm provides the specifics as to what is

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