
A Feminist Defense Of Bridezillas Analysis

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Men and Women have always been described differently. While men are strong and independent, women are weak and dependent on a man. The tradition has been set for marriage to come after being with a significant other for more than a while. Women then take charge of providing food, child care, and housework. In “A Feminist Defense of Bridezillas,” by Kelsey McKinney, she defends the idea of marriage and how women react to wanting their big day to be special as well as perfect. In the article “Unpopular Opinion: Marriage Will Never Be a Feminist Choice,” by Meghan Murphy she argues if women are talking about embracing feminism all the time why even get married at all. While both authors are arguing different perspectives they still correlate with one another. A feminist defending marriage versus marriage won’t be a feminist choice.
From knowing about the Spanish family traditions it is hard to disagree with any argument made in both articles. Cooking is taught at a very young age because in the parent’s mind women must do the cooking for the man. They must clean the house, wash their clothes, look after the kids, serve their food at the table, then pick up the dirty leftovers because men wouldn’t dare touch those plates. In the first article McKinney states, “Any bride who dared to reveal any fraction of the stress that went into planning the best day ever ran the risk of being described as a monster.” She agrees completely with the idea of marriage and tries her best to defend the women titled to being “bridezillas.” The reason for choosing her argument is because in the title she states “A Feminist Defense…,” which from understanding one would think she’d be up for women being independent and not being entitled to a man. Instead, she defends the reasons why females are being particular. McKinney explains, “bridezilla” is specifically designed to condemn a woman who puts any energy and authority toward trying to achieve entirely reasonable goals.” Again she’s explaining that women shouldn’t be verbally harassed for wanting to get demands correctly done. Another important detail she added was “This event is the most important event of a person's life, is often among the most expensive. Last year according to a

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