
A Fear Story : The Story Of A Fear Story

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Fear story
In a little town called Shadow Bay, there was the Walsh Family this was no ordinary family or any ordinary town. The Walsh family consisted of the father Walter, 17-year-old daughter Liv and the 3-year-old brother Max. The Walsh family has had a rough year, especially Liv. Anyone in her situation would be having a rough year, She was the who found out her mother had been having an affair. Yeah, all the late nights at the office made sense to Walter, but Liv knew something was wrong. So she did what any 17-year-old girl would do and she followed her mom to work on Thursday, January 12th and Liv knew once her mom made a right turn towards Shadow Bay High School instead of a left to the hospital her suspicions were correct. Her mother had met with her English teacher Mr. Phillips this wasn't a parent-teacher conference meeting though, this is was what Liv had feared most her mother was having an affair. Liv didn’t go straight to her father with this new knowledge because deep down she already knew he knew. If a teenage girl can figure it out so can a 45-year-old man. Later that night, things were tense among the Walsh family, after dinner Walter confronted Mary about the affair and that’s when Liv knew things would only get worse from here. Mary packed her bags and told Liv to grab Max and head to the car, yet Liv didn’t move and neither did Max. Mary left and then filed for full custody of the kids, but to recieve that the kids would want her to be in their lives

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