
A Farewell To Alms Chapter 1 Summary

Decent Essays

1. The genetic code (DNA) (the origin of life)
2. Oxygenic photosynthesis (the oxygenation of the Earth) (the only revolution not involving information transmission)
3. The eukaryote cell (the basis for the development of complex, multi-cellular life)
4. Language, which decoupled information transmission from reproduction

These revolutions have caused disruption on a global scale. Oxygenation triggered climate instability that lasted tens of millions of years before the Earth established a new stable state.
The first two information transmission revolutions created new life forms demanding greater use of energy, which in turn, dumped waste products on the Earth. These disruptions were stabilized through recycling — the waste products of …show more content…

As he says, it’s a simple theory — from 100,000 BC until 1800 there was no change in the general standard of living (C 1,371). Then the Industrial Revolution occurred.
It's not that no productivity improvements were made before the Industrial Revolution (C 9,31) There were, but population increase kept pace with increasing productivity, and there was no increase in the general standard of living.
Clark points out that, throughout history, there has been an elite that lived better than others. But this elite was small, and when he talks about the general standard of living, he’s not talking about the elite. He’s talking about the mass of people. (C 8)
It was with the Industrial Revolution, with the harnessing of the combustion of carbon-based fuel to generate energy, that production began to outstrip population growth and an increase in the general standard of living was experienced.
This dependence on carbon-based fuel combustion to generate energy has resulted in the creation of a number of questions. Is the Earth warming up? If it is, is it a matter of concern? And if it's of concern, what's causing it and is what's causing it anything over which we have

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