
A Doll's House Gender Roles Essay

Decent Essays

Gender Roles & Expectations in A Doll House Still Exist Today In Henrik Ibsen’s, A Doll House, there are a strict set of patriarchal standards that Nora is obligated to meet as a woman of her time. It has been over one hundred years since Ibsen’s publication and in that time much has changed. There have been exceptional developments made when it comes to the fight for women’s equality. However, even though the patriarchy’s standards for women have altered with time they have not been eradicated and that is problematic. Through out, A Doll House, Nora is required to meet the expectations set forth for her by the patriarchal society she has been born into and until the end she is indulgent when it comes to playing the role of perfect housewife. Nora is the ideal depiction of time era appropriate femininity with her well maintained appearance. She is subservient to the majority of her husband’s wishes by doing as she is told and hiding what she must. She represses her internal conflict and passionate desires for the sake of her husband’s happiness because it is what society expects from her even if it leaves her feeling unfulfilled (Ibsen 1488 - 1535). Women of today have more …show more content…

Perhaps the setting is different and instead of the playing a role similar to Nora’s role of mother and housewife these modern women are climbing the social ladder of the tech industry but the expectations remain the same. “Women are socialized to be passive, accommodative and intuitive, while men are socialized to be aggressive, active and dominating” (Rajan and Venkat, "Impact of gender on influence, power and authoritarianism"). For women to be successful they must walk a thin line that their male counterparts are not required to toe. A man must have someone to dominate if he wants to be dominating and due to her socialization a woman is most often sought after for the role of

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