
A Doll's House Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

A Doll’s House finished with a tragic ending to a not so stable relationship. It all revolved around one secret that was hidden for too long between Nora, who was married to Torvald and Krogstad who is a good friend of her husband, though it was up to Krogstad whether to protect their marriage or not. Throughout the book it was easy to take sides from one character to the other. However some may think that Nora decided to end the marriage for good reasons. One of them being that she felt as if she wasn’t an equal more as if she were treated as a “doll”.

In the beginning of the book one could tell that Nora has a frivolous personality and likes to have fun and that Torvald takes everything very seriously and doesn't want to do anything that would be a “waste” of his time. Since the two have bipolar personalities, it is quite obvious that they do not have a typical nor traditional marriage. Because of Nora’s youthful personality it makes it harder on Torvald to treat her as an equal. “You always find some new way of wheedling money out of me, and, as soon as you have got it, it seems to melt in your hands ‘Torvald’” (Ibsen 14). In that line spoken by Torvald it is taken notice how he feels about Nora and that he only trusts her with the little and simple tasks. …show more content…

“That is like a woman! But seriously, Nora, you know what I think about that. No debt, no borrowing ‘Torvald’” (12). The moment Torvald spoke these words, is when the story truly began to evolve. The first words Torvald speak that stand out are when he say, “That is like women” which immediately makes Nora feel as if she can’t act like herself or a women in order to make her husband happy, but it was too late. Nora knew that she already borrowed money and didn’t follow Torvald’s rules, even if it was out of love, but know matter what, she knew that she wasn’t going to be treated ordinary from Torvald or anyone else for that

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