
A Doll's House And A Dolls House Essay

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Henrik Ibsen one of his most famous literature works “A doll’s house” and Kate Chopin’s short story “The story of an hour” portrays to the Victorian era, when women didn’t have rights. Both authors were born in an era where women didn’t have rights, and that women faced many aspects in life, such as being submissive to their husband’s, they were viewed as possessions than as people, and live a life that they didn’t want to live during the Victorian age. Even though Ibsen did not live the life of a women, he still saw how women were being mistreated. “Born into the upper-middle class himself, Ibsen not only understood the importance of social class, but also the expectations placed on its members” (). Ibsen’s play corresponds to his …show more content…

Our character Nora had to obey and please her husband, she even was told by her husband that she was expected to follow his advice and directions. (quote) Marriage was not an ideal of love, but for social status and acceptance from both protagonists in the writing of Ibsen’s and Chopin’s, their marriage implied to the Victorian age by telling readers that women were under controlled by men having no rights of freedom. (Women were completely controlled by the men in their lives. First, by their fathers, brothers and male relatives and finally by their husbands. Their sole purpose in life is to find a husband, reproduce and then spend the rest of their lives serving him. ) Nora was treated as a “play date” and she never had the chance to be a person because she was being manipulated by her husband calling her childish names. (come, come, my little songbird mustn’t drop her wings What’s this? Can’t have a pouty squirrel in the house, you know). Nora felt that she was a child and not a women, her husband has been directing her the way how he wants her to be. As most literature writings consists of hidden meanings such as symbols, imagery, themes, etc. The reader can say that both works uses a few symbolism in their writings were used to express how women

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