
Interventions In Chariandy's Book Brother

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In Chariandy’s (2017) book Brother, the protagonist Michael tells a riveting story of the hardships his friends and family have faced growing up in Scarborough, Ontario. As the story progresses one learns that Michael shows a great deal of resiliency as he continuously faces adversity throughout his life. Michael overcomes many risks as he grows up, and faces many unresolved risks as the story comes to an end. Through comparisons made to Masten (2014) and Maynard’s (2017) books, along with class discussions and infographics, these risks will become increasingly clear. In addition to these risks, it will become clear what interventions were missing and what could have helped to increase the resiliency of Michael, and decreased the amount of …show more content…

It is at this time that the cops show up claiming to be responding to a call about a fight. Although the boys were involved in a fight, it was not at Desirea’s, making their appearance seemingly for nothing. Francis was outraged at how they were being treated, as the police officers could not give them a straight answer regarding why they were there or treating them the way they were. Francis was then shot by a police officer for getting too close and not following his orders. Michael watched as his brother was shot for no reason. He was not armed, and was badly shaken by the fight he was in, making him no threat to the police officer in front of him. This is something that was discussed numerous times in class, that some police officers treat those of colour, or those in certain neighbourhoods differently. In Maynard’s (2017) book, she states that state violence effects some populations more than others. These populations are determined by race, gender and class, all of which Michael and his friends had against them being poor, coloured, young men (Maynard, 2017). These three personal factors have put Michael at risk multiple times throughout this …show more content…

He is has a job, though it seems to be unstable from time to time. Michael also did not attend university or college, which holds him back from receiving a better paying job or career. He also is still the primary caregiver for his mother, with no other support from family or the government, so it seems. This shows Michael’s continued resiliency. Even as the years have passed, and not much has improved in his life, he still takes life one day at a time, keeps his head down, and supports his mother. Possible resiliency that could be further developed is that Michael finds a way to attend school to improve his education, to allow himself to get a better job. Michael will also become even more resilient if he accepts the help people are offering. He turned down Aisha and Jelly’s help numerous times, however, Masten (2014) states that having family, and community support fosters resiliency in times of adversity. If Michael receives this support than maybe he can push himself to do more, and to be accepting of new relationships and the help that they can bring. Resiliency could further be developed for Michael if the appropriate interventions and services were made available to him. Many Social changes also would have benefited him, by reducing risk and increasing resiliency. These are all factors that will be discussed in more detail

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