
A Country Of Illusion Chapter 1 Summary

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In chapter 1: A Country of Illusion, Reisner describes the exploration and settlement of the Western United States, more specifically California. Reisner explains that a Spaniard by the name of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explored out this way for gold. Reisner then moves on and goes into detail about the Powell Expedition of 1869 and says that explorers found land that was dry and bare that showed no sign of vegetation which than got the name of the Great American Desert. After the discussion of the barren land, Reisner briefly discussed the Homestead Act and how it affected people and how it granted access and ownership of land to people. In Chapter 2: The Red Queen, Reisner began to describe the early settlement into California and the water issue that most came to face but in the act of describing this Reisner discussed what he said was a famous water story …show more content…

With the amount of dams being built it was seen that it could become a problem from the amount of money being spent. Though there were many attempts to try and stop the growth of the many dams going up all this was being fought by President Carter but his many attempts were trumped due to bill and congress and also the election of President Reagan. In Chapter 10: Chinatown, Reisner begins by illustrating how there is a misunderstanding and how people say California is this place with prolific land with its beaches and green grasses, in all reality it is mainly semi-desert terrain. Reisner than talks about the 1960’s State Water Project and how it had affected the economy and ecology of the U.S. then to wrap it up in line with this topic was the talk of the California Aqueduct, corporate farms, and the low cost of water and how issue came to arise due to all the water projects and irrigation throughout

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