
A Consequentialist Action Is The Moral Worth Of An Act

Decent Essays

A consequentialist action is a utilitarian theory. The utilitarian theory is a choice between two acts that can maximize utility for the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is the moral worth of an act. Utilitarian takes the right proportion of utilities to promote happiness and prevent pain. Utilities is the expressed quality of happiness or satisfaction one gets from something (Mossier, 2013). Happiness comes in many levels of preference. However, the downside to utilitarianism is identifying different levels of pleasure. Identifying different levels of pleasure can be counteracted by an irrespective feelings to a moral obligation making the pleasure more desirable (Mills, 2008). Utilitarian is not the agent’s own greatest happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness altogether. One of the most important social roles is conscious gratification in convey what is gendered equality on jobs, in health care, and with education utilizing the utilitarian theory. Acts like changing policies to promote gender equality that utilize skills and knowledge of women for the greatest number of people from the greatest amount of happiness is utilitarianism. Gender equality ought to be about equal justice. Held (n.d) contrasts the history of male and female ethics in an article titled “Feminist Transformations of Moral Theory.” Held (n.d.) writes, “but, we can hope to agree on the minimal conditions for justice, for coexistence

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