
A Comparison Of Two Cities In William Gibson's Neuromancer

Decent Essays

The cities that are created in Neuromancer by William Gibson are over the top scaled versions of a futuristic cyberworld. While these cities represent the stronghold of technology on the world, they are more importantly the representation of what William Gibson’s philosophy is about. His philosophy is that everything that has beauty may not be beautiful. The cities can vary from extremely rundown, gang related to corporate family greed desire. Despite how any city represents itself, the setting makes them all have the same philosophical representation that Gibson wants to express. The conditions of Neuromancer’s setting writes out how humans, despite technological advances, continue to fail on human behalf.
Night City located Chiba City, Japan …show more content…

It is where the wealthy go to have fun. Although it has a flashy appearance, it is arguably no better than Night City. The difference between these two cities in this dystopian novel is that one covers up its illegal activities while the other does not. They each have their own messed up characteristics. You see this animation come to life through the back story of Case’s bodyguard, Molly. After an altercation with Riviera and Molly, Molly explains, “I needed money. The dreams got worse and worse, and I’d tell myself that at least some of them were just dreams, but by then I’d started to figure that the boss had a whole little clientele going for me. Nothing’s to good for Molly, the boss says, and gives me this shirt raise. That prick was charging eight times what he was paying me, and he thought I didn’t know,” (148). The significance of this quote is that Molly tells her tragic backstory of how she used to be a prostitute. It is interesting because she’s in a beautiful city that has enough money to take over other cities, but she is in a located in a whorehouse that is almost like a home to her. Freeside, a rich city, is ran by a greedy corporate family known as the Tessier-Ashpool. The Finn says, “Tessier and Ashpool climbed the well of graviuy to discover that they loathed space. They built Freeside to tap the wealth of the new islands, grew rich and eccentric, and began the construction of an extended body in

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