There are a lot of things that are the same and different about A Wrinkle in Time, Hunger Games, and Star Wars based on the hero’s journey. Here are some similarities and differences about all three of the stories in different parts of the hero’s journey. In the Crossing the Threshold part of the hero’s journey, Star Wars and the Hunger games are very alike because Katniss and Luke have both only ever lived in one place. The minute that they leave their towns, it's like they enter a whole different world even though they haven't quite gone on their adventure yet. But A Wrinkle in time is different because when Meg, Calvin, and Charles get to the crossing the threshold part of their story, they actually do go to an entire different world. …show more content…
In Hunger Games and A Wrinkle in Time, the characters have to achieve something in order to save someone that they love. In the Hunger Games, Katniss is trying her best to stay alive so that she can go home and save her little and her mom from starving. In A Wrinkle in Time, Meg risks her life to go save her little brother Charles Wallace from IT. But in Star Wars it is a little bit different because Luke is the only one left to blow up the death star, and he is not only fighting to save someone that he loves, but to save everyone in the rebel base. The one thing that all of them have in common is that they are all on their own, they have no one else to help them, it is just them against whoever they are
The book and movie “A Wrinkle In Time” by Madeleine L'Engle has many differences and similarities. Both movie and book use a thing called the tesseract. The Wrinkle in time is movie that needs a lot of detail because of how much creativity is in the book and the movie doesn't give a lot f detail.
The Hunger Games, Ender's Game, and Star Wars all have many similarities and differences in Their Ordinary World,Call to Adventure and test allies and enemies. You may think that all these books are the same but there not if you look at all of these books and go deeper into what they really mean you would see that they all have one mishen
Star Wars: A New Hope and The Outsiders are not as different as most might expect. The pair of stories feature many heroes throughout, focusing on Luke Skywalker and Ponyboy Curtis. Both of these stories were originally books, before being adapted into movies. The Hero’s Journey follows a narrative pattern that applies to nearly every story line there has ever been. The journey applies to both Star Wars: A New Hope and The Outsiders. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton follows a young boy living in rural Oklahoma, who is part of a gang of teenagers called Greasers. Ponyboy and his friends are constantly up against the opposing social group, the Socials, creating conflict between the two groups. Star Wars: A New Hope, directed by George Lucas, is one of the most famous movies of all time, which centers in on an young adult that ends up on a journey to save Princess Leia and help the Rebellion fight off the Empire. Despite the contrasting genres of the stories, Luke Skywalker and Ponyboy Michael Curtis have a similar day-to-day life, have comparable aid from others, and face challenges that are very much alike.
To many people A wrinkle in Time the book is way different than the movie made in 2003. To me the movie is way different from the book. In the next two paragraphs you will find out why if you do not already know. First of all the book has no internet. There were no phones, computers, tablets.
One section where Hunger Games, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle In Time have similarities and differences is in the section test/allies/enemies. Some ways that they are alike is because Katniss, Luke, and Meg have to go through lots of enemies and people that are trying to hurt them throughout their journey. These are just one way that they are alike, but there are many more in this section.
First of all, the Call to Adventure is completely different from each other, but the Refusal in the stories/movies have a similar approach. In the Hunger Games, when Prim gets chosen, Katniss is not fond of that, so she calls herself to take Prim’s place. On the other hand, in Star Wars, Obi Wan invites Luke to go with him to Alderaan. In a Wrinkle in Time, Meg has no choice of going to find her father. The similarities in these events, is in the Refusal. All three of the stories, have a refusal that is best for their families. For example, in Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to tribute instead of Prim.In the beginning of the book, Katniss yells out that she volunteers right when Prim’s name is drawn. Katniss wants to protect Prim and her mother, so Katniss volunteers because she is protecting her family. In Star Wars, Luke tells Obi Wan he cannot go with him because he has to help out on his uncle's farm. Luke wants to help his uncle as much as he can, so he is not going to just leave. Also, in a Wrinkle in Time, Meg refuses to take the long way to get to her father, she just wants to get to him now. Meg, along with her whole family, misses her father and wants to get to him right away. She loves him and her family, so she wants everyone to be happy with her father home. To conclude, the three stories have a
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” - Ed Catlett. The story named, “A Wrinkle in Time,” is about a girl named Meg, who is a little different and unique compared to everyone else. Her father gets lost in the universe while trying to prove a method called “tessering.” And she goes out to find him and bring him home using some friends. This story is more powerful when seen in the movie format because you see and understand how and why she felt bad about herself more than the book, what she went through to save her father, and also many differences between the two making the movie better.
To start, all the stories are alike because the main characters leave with their mentor helper. Katniss rides the train to the capital with Haymitch, Luke leaves on the ship (attending to go to Alderaan) with Obi Wan. On the other hand, Crossing the Threshold has a difference between the stories. Unlike Star Wars and a Wrinkle in Time, the Hunger Games all stays on one planet. Katniss lives in district 12, but travel through North America to the capital. However, in both Star Wars and a Wrinkle in Time, the main characters travel out of the planet with their mentors. Luke flies out to the Death Star and then he comes from a different planet to blow up the Death Star. Meg unknowingly tessers to the planet Uriel. To summarize, there are many likenesses and differences in the approach of Crossing the
Sometimes, picking up a good novel is just what you need. Two novels, The Hunger Games and The Giver, are both popular and well- known, and are read by thousands, even millions of people around the world. Surprisingly, the main characters of these books, Katniss and Jonas, are comparable to each other. The two share some similarities. They possess some differences too. In some ways, the main characters characters of two novels, Katniss and Jonas, are alike, as well as differ from each other.
A Wrinkle in Time was written as a book and made as a visual movie for all to see. Both can be compared because both, the book and movie, have many similarities to each other. But, both also have many differences to come with it.
She doesn't like being different, but she doesn't want to be like anybody else. Madeleine L'Engle wrote a book called, "A Wrinkle In Time" in 1962. In 2003 John Kent Harrison, directed the movie, "A Wrinkle In Time." There are many similarities and differences between this book and the movie. The differences and similarities include information about the characters, plot, and the setting's.
These books are an amazing at showing the hero's journey in mostly different ways,wet they still have similarities. A dog’s life is about a stray dog struggling to find a home and is given many challenges. The hobbit is about a fat hobbit who is brought up to a journey by the wizard Gandalf to help the dwarves reclaim there mountain stolen by a dragon. Both authors portray the hero's journey in mostly different ways yet some similarities. The first way the novels are different is that stages both protagonist in the novels faced are different.
Star wars is a story of an ordinary boy turned extraordinary what each person in society aspires to be. For example. Luke is a meak and unassuming farmer he harvests water a necessity for his dismal desert environment. Luke has large aspirations to be a pilot for no other than the empire itself. Luke unaware of is ever changing environment will lose everything just to gain it back. The death of his childhood home and his uncle and aunt only pushes him out of his comfort zone to live in a world that he doesn’t know about. Obi won conbi his mentor and guide through life's trials give him hope when he teaches Luke of the faith in the force. Through battle and decisions the choices Luke makes are the same ones that Inspire us today. Luke is no
Both the Hunger Games and The Road are two books set in the same type of environment of being poor, explored choices of humans facing a test of humanity, impacted by human modernization and technology and emotional power. We will explore the different themes and compare the logic between the pages.
Another difference in the novel that’s significant is the Mockingjay pin that is given to Katniss by Madge, the Governor’s daughter once it’s known that Katniss will be participating in the Hunger Games. Madge is described as one of the few people that Katniss is semi-friendly with; otherwise she is described as a loner who only has time to do what she has to do to take care of her family. This comes as a surprise to Katniss, who had assumed that Madge disliked her. This is an important piece of the book because in the movie, Katniss finds the same Mockingjay pin at the local flea market, and it is given to her by the owner, a woman named Greasy Sae. The significance of the pin is never explained in the movie, and viewers are left wondering if it will play an important role later on in the film. The director and author make many subtle, yet evident changes between the novel and film, which can only be noticed if one reads the novel and views the movie. However, those that have are left questioning why the changes were made, and what to expect next.