
A Clockwork Orange Dialectical Journal Essay

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A Clockwork Orange
Journal 1: pages 3- 56 I found the first section of the novel, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess to be confusing, but at the same time interesting. Burgess’ ideas were organized and thorough in each chapter. The use of foreshadowing was used at the end of the first chapter implying violent acts throughout the rest of the section. The constant use of slang called, “Nadsat” threw off my focus while reading due to the distraction of flipping back and forth from the glossary back to the novel. Burgess uses the slang to alienate what is occurring in the novel, especially the brutality of it. I noticed that even though horrendous events are described I did not stop reading because the use of slang kept me interested like …show more content…

This exemplifies the predominant theme of violence throughout the first part of the novel. Furthermore, I can connect the violence demonstrated in the book to society through the news. Every weeknight my parents watch Global News, I often hear news of break-ins, assaults, and random acts of violence which relates to the acts Alex and his droogs committed in the novel. This is seen when Alex, Pete, Georgie, and Dim break into the Manse and attempt to rob an old woman. They try to walk right in with the guise that they need assistance, but the woman says no which results in Alex breaking in and causing …show more content…

This is implying the government in the novel is corrupt and that the crime rate in teens is high. An event in particular is when Alex assaulted a drunken man on the street late at night. The man said, “It’s a stinking world because it lets the young get on to the old like you done, and there’s no law nor order no more” (Burgess 12). The police presence is decreased at night which allows Alex and his droogs to go out and commit any crime they please without a high chance of them getting

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