
A Clean Well-Lighted Place Setting

Decent Essays

The timeless story, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway, has a descriptive setting and plausible characters. In this story, the reader can also ground herself and feel that she is truly a part of what is occurring. If the story were to lose its believability, its connection with the reader would be severed. This story allows the reader to grasp the main concepts that Hemingway is trying to convey, while also leaving her to expand upon it in great detail through her own experiences, imagination, and research. The setting used in “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” adds clarity to every aspect of the story. There is a strong, seamless connection between the story’s main ideas and its setting. The setting delivers a contrast that is essential for the story. Each character resembles the development of man’s morality as they are each placed in varying degrees of shadow throughout the story. With a realistic setting tying into the story, the reader can effortlessly place herself into the story and find something that relates to her through the experiences of the characters. Ultimately, if the setting were to be unclear or seem unrealistic, then this story loses its power over the reader. The reader should be able to connect with the story, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” through its characters. For this to …show more content…

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” masterfully arranges its setting, and vividly depicts its characters, so that the message leaves an impact on the reader. Hemingway expertly does this while leaving a much deeper meaning hidden throughout the story. This story would lose all significance if its setting, or characters were to be removed or distorted in some way. These two elements are strongly dependent upon each other to create the most natural integration between the reader’s imagination and the fictional environment of the

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