
A Character Analysis Of The Newsroom By Will Mcavoy

Decent Essays

This monologue is from the HBO television show, The Newsroom. The monologue is set during a Northwestern University question and answer session between a liberal, a conservative, and news anchor Will McAvoy. Will McAvoy is viewed as this great “moderate” anchor, he’s in control of his opinions, and is unwilling to share his personal political philosophies. Internally however, he is conflicted, disillusioned by the current political climate characterized by a tit for tat policy. During the Q&A he continues to remain in the middle, responding with answers he believes will not satisfy or offend any specific party. That is until they are all asked the question, “What makes america the greatest country on earth?” Both the liberal and conservative both answer in a way that panders to their specific party, and Will attempts to remain in the middle, but is stopped by the moderator. The moderator demands that Will give him a “human” answer, so he does, in a way that is extremely unexpected. “America is not the greatest country in the world.”
Character Analysis: …show more content…

Will has gained his revered reputation by hiding how he truly feels about both politics and his own industry. Will is tired of the then current political discourse between the two parties, and wants to say something about it, but can’t, lest he risk his reputation. His initial answers in the Q&A session reflect this, as he either answers jokingly, or piggybacks off the others answers. But, when he starts to see someone in the crowd hold up signs encouraging him, he lets his inhibitions go, and starts to say what’s on his

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