
A Case Study

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Early September, I noticed, my son, Johnny (four at the time) had a small and hard lump behind both ears. The lumps were about the size of a pea. After a call to his doctor, I was assured it was normal and were enlarged lymph nodes probably caused by a virus. About a month and a half later, Johnny had developed two more lumps on his neck along with a fever. I took him to the urgent care and was again told it was probably a virus. He was given antibiotics just in case it was bacterial.
Over the next month, which puts us in December, Johnny had developed two more smaller lumps and a very large lump on his neck. He also developed two large lumps on the top of his head. He was running a fever again. He had been running fevers on and …show more content…

His primary doctor knew something was not right. She told us we were going to start working down a list to try and get this figured out. We were to start at the hematologist/oncologist then onto infectious disease and so on.
The first week in January we had an appointment with the hematologist/oncologist. As we were telling the nurse the symptoms, she was looking at us as if to say, “I am so sorry.” My husband and I retold the doctor exactly what Johnny had been going through. The hem/onc doctor said, “Please do not worry yourselves, it is very rare for a child to have cancer.” By this time Johnny had been running a fever every two weeks and the lumps were getting bigger. She did blood tests and everything came back normal.
The hem/onc doctor called the following week to check in on Johnny. I let her know he was running a fever again. She then told us to bring him back in. He was retested and was found to have significantly low red blood cells(hemoglobin) and platelets and his white blood count was very high, which was concerning. Johnny was immediately scheduled to see a surgeon to have the lumps biopsied. During the biopsy, the surgeon came out to tell us that our fears were real and that the lumps were cancerous tumors. He told us he thought it was Lymphoma, but the hem/onc doctor would be able to tell us for sure. We were completely devastated!! My baby had cancer! We were told that the lumps, bone

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