
A Brief Summary Of Romeo's Death

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Yesterday evening, only one day after Mercutio and Tybalt were seen dancing on the same floor of the Capulets, Mercutio was supposedly slain by the sword of Tybalt Capulet. The brawl took place in the town square of Verona. Witnesses claim that Tybalt began the fight, questioning Romeo’s nobility and name (Sepulcri). Romeo then declined the challenge, which caused Tybalt to show more dishonor. That is when Mercutio voluntarily took Romeo’s place in the duel, not allowing for his friend to be insulted. After good while of battling, Mercutio had lost, costing his life.

Tybalt was seen fleeing the area, which did not help because Romeo followed shortly… in rage, for his best friend was just murdered in front of his own eyes. Benvolio Montague, a witness of the fight and the cousin of Romeo, claims that Romeo stated to Tybalt, “Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him [Mercutio].” It is clear Romeo was planning on ending Tybalt’s life, and he did succeed. Resulting in the banishment of Romeo from Verona, an unusual punishment for someone of such high-class (Alchin). Lady Capulet seems to be unsatisfied with the results. Claiming that Romeo deserves death for costing the life of her …show more content…

Romeo was seen at the masque dancing with Juliet. Although, if this rumor is true, don’t suspect of Juliet to be too in love with Romeo after he murdered her cousin.

Also, however, Country Paris did just announce his engagement to Juliet Capulet. So, it is very hard to believe that Tybalt would want to challenge Romeo because of a rumored relationship. In result of Tybalt’s untimely death, Juliet and Paris may have to delay their wedding, to give Juliet some time to mourn. Or who knows? Maybe a wedding is exactly what the Capulet family

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