
A Brief Note On Wildfires And Its Effects On The Environment

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Every year, thousands of forest or wildfires are caused by humans, which affect thousands and thousands of acres of land and wildlife all over the United States. Many of these fires that are caused by human error or negligence, occur at many of the beautiful camp sites, that are located around the country. In these cases, these fires not only affect the land and the wildlife, it puts the lives of other camper 's, in jeopardy as well. Especially since with wild or forest fires, there is no way of telling how fast, or what location the fire will spread to. That is just on top of the issue, that most of these locations are remote, which can limit the options that emergency service personal (such as firefighters) have to use to fight them. These fires can be started in many ways, such as unattended or out of control camp fires, improper placement of grills, discarding of used coals in hazardous areas, unsafe or use of fireworks in forested area, etc. But, there is an upside to the situation, since in many cases you can help prevent them from happening at all. All it takes, is for campers to be responsible by following the proper safety procedures when using any flammable items, and the proper knowledge and equipment needed in case a fire may start (if fire is out of control and you are putting yourself or others on danger by attempting to put it out, get yourself and everyone in the area to a safe location, and contact the proper authorities immediately). So the next time you

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