
A Brief Note On Tobacco Products Are Made Up Of Over Four Thousand Dangerous Chemicals

Decent Essays

Amber Hilton
Research Methods
Introduction 2 &Lit. Review 2

Tobacco products are made up of over four thousand dangerous chemicals including about two-hundred and fifty known chemicals (Braithwaite, Taylor,&Treadwell, 2009). According to the Center for Disease Control and prevention (1999) tobacco use is the most preventable cause of death and disease in America. On average, smokers die thirteen to fourteen years quicker than people who don’t smoke (Braithwaite et al. 2009). In the United Stated over twenty percent of deaths are from tobacco use. Additionally, over six-hundred thousand people die from secondhand smoke each year with one third being children(Action on smoking and health). Illnesses connected with tobacco use are cancer (bladder,esophagus,lung,mouth,throat), chronic lung and cardiovascular disease and reproductive problems (Braithwaite et al. 2009). The CDC reports show that there is an increase in “some day smokers,” nationwide. “Some day smokers” are smokers who report that they smoke only on some days. Research states that 24.0% of the adult population are “some day smokers.” For ages 18-24 year olds 28.7% are “some day smokers.” 18-24 year olds are at higher risk of being “some day smokers” than any other age group. When these statistics are broken down by education level, it shows that adults with a college education reported the highest currency of someday smoking (31.7%) (CDC, 4/2003).
The purpose of this research was to study the knowledge

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