
A Brief Note On The Lone Working Policy

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Lone Working Policy


1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................2

2. Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................2

3. Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................2

4. Scope .............................................................................................................................................2

5. Context …show more content…

Checklist to Assist with the Assessment of Risk...............................................................6

Appendix 3. Monitoring and Escalation Procedures.............................................................................7

1. Introduction
The Estate has a responsibility to manage the risk to its employees, particularly when working alone or unsupervised for significant periods.
The policy covers all employees, workers and self employed contractors.

2. Policy Statement

Lone working is common in many Estate activities. The Estate recognises that lone workers face particular problems and they will not require employees to work in circumstances where the risks are unacceptable.

The Estate will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees and self-employed contractors who are required to work alone or unsupervised for significant periods of time are protected from risks to their health and safety.

Solitary working exposes employees and others to certain hazards. The Estates’ intention is to remove the risks from these hazards or, where this is not possible, to help employees to reduce them to an acceptable level.

The Policy recognises that Lone Workers are a vulnerable group of employees. Therefore, risk assessments, safe systems of work and monitoring procedures must be produced to minimise the risk to

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