
A Brief Note On Criminology And Police Service

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In 2010 the newly elected Coalition Government brought with it a dramatic and wide-ranging financial restrictions which affected all areas of the public sector. One area which criminology and police knowledge is interested in are those that have effected the Home Office and therefore the police service. The restrictions have had a far reaching effect to many areas of the police service, which will be highlighted at the beginning of the essay, however it will be concentrating on the specific aspect of the fearful reductions in PCSOs and neighbourhood policing and how that will effect 21st century policing. The essay will start by giving a brief summary of the cuts which have occurred since 2010. This will naturally lead onto a brief summary of the job of a PCSO and how they link in with Neighbourhood Policing, whilst assessing the benefits of them. It will then flow onto the possible effects which could happen to not only the police force but also to the public if the financial restrictions continue to occur.
The 2010 government spending review implemented a programme of expenditure cuts that would reduce police funding by 20 percent in the four years from March 2011 to March 2015 (Rowe, 2013). In order to deal with these financial restrictions, the police have had to reconfigure provisions, for example closing small area stations and sharing specialist services with neighbouring police forces (O’Neill, 2014). Inevitably, the restricted financial aid has also caused a lot of

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