
A Brief Note On Beach Pollution Prevention And The National Resource Defense Council

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Beach Pollution Prevention Beach pollution is an ongoing problem in Florida’s waters. Beach pollution is not only the actual garbage left on the beach, but is contaminated sewage and runoff water. Runoff water is water from rain that flows over streets, sewage, and dirt. Sewage is the remnants of human waste. The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Resource Defense Council make rules and regulations as one effort to keep the waters clean. Many other organizations are stepping up and getting involved to do what they can to help keep Florida’s beautiful beaches clean and safe. Now it’s your turn to do your part in protecting the beaches. What Are People Doing? In the article “Plan of Action: How to Clean Up America’s Beaches,” the National Resource Defense Council presents specific research their organization has conducted on what is causing the most pollution. The NRDC is a group of 350 lawyers, scientists, and policy experts looking to save the environment. Part of the NRDC is directed toward testing the rivers that lead to beaches, trash found on or in beaches, and what is found in animals to research what is polluting the ocean in the U.S. After conducting experiments to find what is causing beach pollution in each state, they then use the information to find ways locals and beachgoers can reduce their pollution. In their conclusion for Florida, they found that water runoff and sewage are what causes the most pollution in the local waters. Including

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