Abstract At the beginning of the paper a brief explanation on the importance of clean water is illustrated. Proceeding with descriptions of water pollution and reasoning’s demonstrating why it is presently a common issue in the United States. Understanding how the quality of the environment becomes affected from poor water quality is imperative to know and is proven throughout the paper. The paper slightly touches on the growth of human population and technology advancement, which are two main factors that contribute to the increase of water pollution. Understanding the source of pollutants is the main focus in the paper, in hopes that readers will grasp the best method to eliminate pollution. Acidification, contamination and overuse are major pollutants that degrade water quality. The continuous procedures could bring forth several outcomes that can greatly affect our lives and the environment. Current environmental issues, preferably the Gulf of Mexico disasters are included to show how these mentioned water pollutants are being carried out by human activities and how they have affected the environment, specifically the marine ecosystem.
Keywords: water, water pollution, water quality, and environment Focus Clean water is the source of life and the essential resource for every living thing that lives and breathes on earth including plants, insects, animals and humans. 2 Besides being essential for our bodies to function, clean water also promotes life in numerous other
Every human being is entitled to claim their human right and suffice their human needs as a fundamental unit to function in the society. Water is part of that inclusion. However, access to clean water is one of the most violated human right (Barlow, 2010, para. 2). Humanity’s sake should come first before anything else, before any other entity. Everybody was disturbed when the former Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé, Peter Brabeck, deliberately announced in a documentary interview that water resources should be privatized because it is not a public right (Brown, 2016, para.2). Therefore, implying that those who do not have the ability to purchase it are not rightfully qualified to have it. His proclamation raised the attention of the local and foreign perspectives who were concerned and have the principles that water cannot be just own and monopolized by those who can only afford to buy it. Humans have the right to life. Water is a basic human need and one of the main reasons why humans still have a life. Thus, water is a human right and rights are accompanied by its respective obligations to be complied with. Nevertheless, rights cannot just be taken away from humans in general. If corporations would claim that water is not for all humans, they might as well monopolize the air that we breathe.
Water pollution is when, “one or more substances have built up in the water to such an extent that they cause problems for animals and people” (Woodford). Water pollution is also bad for humans and animal’s health. Sewage, chemicals, radioactive waste, oil pollution, and plastic, are some causes for water pollution (Explain That Stuff). When water from rain runs off roofs and roads into rivers it carries away trash, toxic chemicals, dirt, and harmful organisms (NRDC Water). Some solutions to these are to throw things into the correct bin, use water wisely, and not throw chemicals, oil, paints, and medicine down the sink, drain, or toilet. Also plant lots of trees and have cities develop a sewage treatment plant to minimize pollution (eSchool Today). It’s important to protect our
When you think of problems in the world today, water pollution isn’t one that would normally come up. In fact it is one of the worst problems in the world today. Water pollution, by definition, is the contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays, or oceans by any substances harmful to living things. All living things contain water and most need water to survive, so water pollution is a big problem. If severe, the pollution can kill off birds, fish, and any animals that use the water source. In some cases even killing an entire species.
The inequality when it comes to water scarcity is unacceptable and it does not meet the criteria for Reasonable Access to Clean water for multiple reasons. It is believed that 780million people lack access to clean water and another 2.5 Billion people lack access to improved sanitation (so they only have enough to drink and nothing else). Reasonable access to clean water should mean that water is offered at the lowest possible price so that more people can afford it but it is often in the poorest countries that the water they need is more expensive and harder to access and it is often due to avoidable causes.
Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race.
All around the world, countries are fighting to keep their drinking water clean. Whether it’s streams, rivers, or lakes, countries have taken great measures to maintain high quality drinking water for both human consumption and animal consumption. Countries must first understand the sources of the polltion, then determine the best methods to eliminate the pollution. Clean drinking water is a valuable resource and a the key to human survival. Plants and animals also depend on water for their growth, so all water must be kept clean. The major contributors to water pollution can be classified in three categories, industrial, agricultural and municipal.
The United States CWA, as previously explained, has many positive and negative effects. When thinking ethically and environmentally, supporting the CWA and encouragement for the spread worldwide comes rather simply. Aldo Leopold once said, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends to otherwise” (Maus, 2017) This land ethic approach helps prove that the CWA is a good thing for this world. Some may argue that it is causing harm and is bad because all of the problems, but according to the land ethic, it is good because it trying to preserve the quality of our water and in return the quality of our lives and the world (Maus, 2017). Furthermore, supporters of the CWA are taking the precautionary principle into consideration. The precautionary principle is basically preparing for the worst and taking action to prevent a harmful event from taking place. We can all agree that water is a necessity for life, and that it is very important to make sure that necessity never vanishes. Everyone and everything in this world needs clean water, and this causes the CWA to have many stakeholders; the CWA is so controversial because it has an impact in everyone’s life. Clean water is taken for granite in the United States, and the CWA has had a positive impact in helping prevent water degradation and improve the overall water quality and ecosystem. The controversial part is that the purpose of the CWA gets
Clean water is imperative for survival. In the United States people use clean water for drinking, household needs, agriculture, recreation, industry and commerce and thermoelectricity (CDC). Clean drinking water is most important, because if drinking water becomes contaminated, it becomes a serious health hazard. One of the most dangerous contaminates to human health is lead. Lead is considered a dangerous heavy metal contaminate. Lead in drinking water can have adverse effects on both children and adults (EPA). Approximately 18 million Americans are provided drinking water that violates the federal laws for lead levels (guardian).
Drinking water is everywhere, even in places where you think there is no water. But some water is not good. Some water has bacteria that can make you sick if you drink it too much. If there were clean water everywhere, it would decrease the amount of diseases and sickness. According to scientists, the number of people dying from sicknesses would decrease by 88%. Scientists have also said that clean drinking water would prevent 3 million deaths worldwide. The cost of good filtration systems is one problem that causes bad drinking water. Since 3rd world countries are poor, they do not have the enough money to buy these materials used for filtration. Listed below are many filtration methods used with everyday household materials such as cloth, and cups. There is some complex filtration systems used that cost a lot. But some filtration methods can be used with little things. These simple filtration methods are good to use in 3rd world countries because they are not expensive, while most filtration systems can cost up to more than $500.
We all deserve safe water, access to safe water will improve the lives of men, women and children all over the world. Safe water is it will not harm you if you come in contact with it and that it can be used for swimming, drinking etc. Safe water given to animals crops grown with safe water will be healthy and will not cause disease. Safe water will put an end to fighting for resources that are necessary. Safe water is better for people, animals and the environment. People will be able to continue their jobs and countries will no longer struggle to control rivers, lakes, streams, etc. People everywhere rely on water as a necessity for survival and as a part of their work. People fight over water and the animals in it. People do not deserve to get sick and even die fighting for resources or for using the only ones they have.
Water is necessary to sustain life. Water not only sustains life, but it is the very foundation for life. Where does the water we drink come from? Our water comes from many different sources such as groundwater, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, aquifers, springs and streams. In order for this water to sustain our life, it must be clean. Water is needed to meet the demands of people in their everyday life. This includes the need for water in homes, agriculture, industry, medicine and recreation. For health and prosperity people must have access to clean, safe water. Water is regulated at the federal, state and local level. The Clean Water Act protects water at the federal level. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates the standards for contaminants in water. In order for our water to be clean, we must protect our water sources from pollution and contaminants. This is why we need to care for the water that we have.
Water quality is important to human health. “Water quality refers to the basic and physical characteristics of water that determine its suitability for life or for human
Water is an entity that has been around since the begging of time. It fills the earth oceans with a bluish green essence. It flows from the faucet and runs beneath busy populated city streets throughout the world. Water is something that is not just something beautiful to glance at as it roars off the side of a mountain and forms a majestic waterfall or when your glass of water is clearer then crystal, that is something that many of people take for granted and something that is just a resource that we are guaranteed and shall not be taken away from us. Something that is not just refreshing for you but is essential to a long and proposers life. Clean water is something that has not always been so easily available and was not always so cheaply available in some parts of the world.
On a hot day in Vacaville, California; the majority of its residents can enjoy a refreshing tall glass of water, straight out of a faucet, and enjoy it over a stack of frozen clean ice. This luxury of clean water comes even when the state has been in a severe drought for several years. This drought condition is caused when precipitation is 70% lower and evaporation is hogher than normal in an area that is not normally considered dry, such as in a desert (Miller & Spoolman, 2013). This can go on for what seems to be an indefinite amount of time. The majority of cities in California have this luxury, for which they pay for via tax dollars and with a general purpose water bill. The water is not endless and does not come from an aquifer or the ground. The water Vacaville residents enjoy comes from three primary water sources that combine together to create that readily available tall glass of water.
Few resources are essential to human survival. Access to clean water is the most critical of all. Water is a vital resource responsible for sustaining all life on earth. However, clean water is in short supply, but in high demand in all parts of the world. It is thought that most Americans have access to safe, affordable, clean water right from their taps. However, the media is uncovering the true nature of America’s deteriorating water situation. Americans have reason to be seriously concerned about the state of their drinking water. So what really is on tap in America?