
A Brief Explanation On The Importance Of Clean Water

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Abstract At the beginning of the paper a brief explanation on the importance of clean water is illustrated. Proceeding with descriptions of water pollution and reasoning’s demonstrating why it is presently a common issue in the United States. Understanding how the quality of the environment becomes affected from poor water quality is imperative to know and is proven throughout the paper. The paper slightly touches on the growth of human population and technology advancement, which are two main factors that contribute to the increase of water pollution. Understanding the source of pollutants is the main focus in the paper, in hopes that readers will grasp the best method to eliminate pollution. Acidification, contamination and overuse are major pollutants that degrade water quality. The continuous procedures could bring forth several outcomes that can greatly affect our lives and the environment. Current environmental issues, preferably the Gulf of Mexico disasters are included to show how these mentioned water pollutants are being carried out by human activities and how they have affected the environment, specifically the marine ecosystem.
Keywords: water, water pollution, water quality, and environment Focus Clean water is the source of life and the essential resource for every living thing that lives and breathes on earth including plants, insects, animals and humans. 2 Besides being essential for our bodies to function, clean water also promotes life in numerous other

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