
A Break With Charity Ann Rinaldi

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The title of this book is called A Break with Charity a story about the Salem Witch Trials. The Author of this book is Ann Rinaldi. The Published in San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1992, The year it was copyrighted was in 1992. There are 298 pages. The time period this book took place was in 1692. For example on page 19 it says stuff about the slave trade and that is illegal in the USA and most other countries .so you can tell that this is already a time before slavery was outlawed. On page 139 it says that “Mistress Bishop,” said Magistrate Corwin, “you are accused of being a witch. How to say you to this charge?”. Which shows that they believed in witches at that point in time. This all shows evidence that this took place during the Salem witch …show more content…

Which can easily turn friends from childhood to fiendish enemies? It really shows the side of man kind that can easily destroy one another. Another reason I didn’t like it is that of the fact that one woman's petty grudges with other families could kill so many innocent people. The final reason I dislike this book is that of the fact that people could, be this idiotic about so called witches when there was never one in the first …show more content…

In the begin, she wanted to be in the circle of the girls who were following tubes dwelling in the black magic. Also, those girls managed to kill quite a few people. In the end, she didn’t join the group she ended up being quite in the begin she still is but she knows when to talk and not to talk. Jonathan Hathorne, Susanna's boyfriend was the one that stood with her the whole time even when she knew something that could stop the trials but she was too afraid to talk. He was the one who helped her speak out and stop the massacre. with the help of others such as Joseph Putnam Ann Putnam, Jr.’s Uncle and many others. Also, Joseph helped Susanna's father get away from the massacre and also helped stop

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