
A Brave New World Quote Analysis

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The thesis of Brave New World is a warning of the state's control over society. This is shown by presenting the ways in which the state controls their citizens throughout the novel. The state is able to control reproduction, and medical intervention. Both of which allow them to create a caste system. This power allows them to take away personal freedoms and livelihood, the state artificially makes the people happy through the use of the drug soma and by doing so makes them content to follow along with society's expectations. The story is composed of two halves. The first halve focusses on getting the reader familiar with the future world that Huxley has created. A society in which children are born by cloning; thus allowing the state to create …show more content…

Bernard is an alpha, but he is smaller than most alphas and this makes him feel inferior and like he doesn’t belong in his social class. This leads him to be unsatisfied with his life. Because of this Bernard goes to study a "savage" reservation where people live without rules, and people marry and have children naturally. On his trip Bernard discovers Linda, a once alpha citizen of his society who was abandoned on the reservation while pregnant with her son John. Bernard then decides to bring back Linda and John to London. When he returns, he becomes something of a celebrity because he has brought back a “savage”, though this only lasts shortly. when John doesn't come to a party that Bernard is hosting Bernard once again becomes an outcast. Soon after the party Linda dies and this leads John to realize the wrongdoing of the state. And the controller explains to him that truth and happiness have been balanced carefully, that they as a society have chosen a life of happiness in exchange for a life with little truth. Bernard is sent then away, and John decides that he will move away to live on his own into the countryside. The story ends when John hangs himself due to his unhappiness and

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