
9/11 Terrorism Research Paper

Decent Essays

Opening Paragraph, Thesis Statement: As the U.S is faced with the threat of terrorism, all branches of the government must contribute in order to ensure the safety of all American citizens; President Obama has a set of standards and procedures for handling terrorist threats, the Legislative Branch has agreed to these policies and addition, created an insurance program to protect those affected by terrorism, and the Supreme Court has heard cases in order to ensure the President’s standards are upheld and procedures are followed.

Main Idea – Judicial Branch: Several cases dealing with the treatment of terrorist have come before the justices of the Supreme Court.
Supporting Detail: In the case of Hamden V. Rumsfeld in 2006, the court ruled that …show more content…

Bush 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress did not have the power to stop the Court from hearing requests made by prisoners accused of terrorism locked up at Guantanamo.
Supporting Detail: This does not, however, change the fact that the justices will only hear these cases “if the detainees has no other remedy available” due to the nature of putting their jobs and perhaps their lives on the line when deciding on these types of cases.

Main Idea – Legislative Branch: Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, Congress put together the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.
Supporting Detail: This program was designed to assist Americans who have suffered a loss as a result of an act committed by a terrorist.
Supporting Detail: The program covers a variety of losses from being held captive to destruction of a cell phone.
Supporting Detail: President Bush and President Obama have both extended this program during each of their terms although it was intended to be a temporary relief program.

Main Idea – Executive Branch: President Obama vowed from day one to fight terrorism associated with Al-Qa’ida using all available resources.
Supporting Detail: He set out to accomplish this goal in a way that does not compromise American morals and ethics nor breaks any

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