
9/11 Short Stories

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On the night of a full moon Jack was wide awake, thinking about the one thing he was scared of. The thing he was scared of was monsters. Then Jack heard a noise. A big hand reached in and grabbed Jack! He just managed to get a grasp of his glasses, but still he couldn’t make out anything. The monster took huge steps towards the dark and scary woods. They went right through the woods into a whole new world. He’d never been fully through the woods and this looked like a scary journey ahead of them. There were monsters everywhere with three or four kids in their hands or pockets. A few kids were scurrying around on the ground but not managing to get away. One was back trying to get through the maze of the woods but was not managing. The darkness was fading and the monsters were getting ready to eat the kids for breakfast. The kids were worried about two things: they were going to get eaten, but even more they were going to get punished for being out of bed at one o’clock in the morning! …show more content…

They had gotten a call from every house in the world. Then twenty more came. It was like sky writer jets but they were holding the wrong materials. The giants didn’t mind. They just reached up and acted like they were playing with toy airplanes. All the pilots and helpers fell and screamed. Just then, someone just walked out calmly from the woods, grabbed their child, and left. Then a bunch of other adults walked out of the woods. Nobody except Jack was still there. All the giants smashed after them, knocking everything in their path. They left Jack all alone who took one step into the dark woods. Then he took one more and appeared back in his bed with his mom yelling for him to come down for breakfast. Jack went down and told his story while eating but his mom said, “Oh sweetie, there is no such thing as

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