American Safety Since 9/11 Many Americans believe that national security only concerns the safety of the white, middle to upper class family. National security should also involve the poor and people of color. Yes, white people have hidden under the blanket of national security since 9/11 due to laws and organizations; such as the Homeland Security Act, which started surveillance of Americans, mostly Arab Americans. American citizens threaten and even kill Middle Eastern- Americans everyday for a crime they did not commit. The Patriot Act. Signed by George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, this act provided the government permission to spy on Americans. NSA can now monitor phone calls, emails, bank and credit report records, and Internet activity. …show more content…
The terrorism towards Muslim-Americans pales in comparison to the war in the Middle East. During 9/11, al-Qaeda (a terrorist group made of citizens of several countries, not affiliated with any government whatsoever) killed over 3,000 Americans. In return American troops killed, 1.7 million Iraqi civilians, mostly children, in the Iraq war. Americans also killed roughly 3 million Afghan since the early 90’s, before 9/11. Altogether, Americans have afflicted around 7 million in the Middle East. However, the American government hides the death toll and researchers find it difficult to document Arab deaths due to language barriers and information manipulation. Nevertheless, Americans have killed from 6 to 8 million Islam. Not only can many people consider this morally wrong to kill innocent civilians because of a terrorist attack they had nothing to do with, but it also puts a bigger target on America. ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups will not take too kindly that 7 million of their people killed by Americans. They will seek revenge and do everything in their power to raise their death toll on America (15 Years After …show more content…
The American people all consider this aspect of our country by far the most important. They consider killing our enemies far more important than, for example, their children's education and future or the stability of the suffering veterans that have endured war. They consider seeking revenge for the tragedy that happened fifteen years ago more important than medicine and helping the sick, the poor, the homeless, the suffering, the American citizens that need help. The government needs to focus on America first, and then think about seeking revenge for the lives lost on 9/11. However, the exact opposite happens in the government’s budget spending. 53.7% of America’s spending goes to the military while only 6.3% goes towards education (Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go). 598.5 billion dollars goes to the war in the Middle East every year; America gives more money to their military than China, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, India, Germany, France, Italy, and South Korea combined (Defense Budget by Country). The American government spends their money on an overpolitasized war while they could spend it on education. Education leads to better jobs and a higher job growth. Better jobs will lead to less crime since most criminals turn to crime in search of money. Less crime makes America safer for obvious
The survivors of September 9, 2001 will never be the same. While they may be emotionally scarred from the traumatic event, physical scars will also remain on their body. Bruno Dillinger describes that many evacuators lacked skin and hair, and that many evacuators were severely burnt. Despite all the mayhem and chaos, the people in the stairwell kept their wits with them. They did not panic; they were calm. Bruno Dillinger’s description of the first responders walking up the stairs was heartbreaking. He commented, “They were going up to their death. And I was walking down to live.” Despite the fear the firefighters and other responders felt, they rose to the occasion in order to save the lives of many others. The bravery the firefighters and
9/11 had many people devastated. Many people lost many loved ones do to the 9/11 attack on the day of September 11, 2001. 3,000 people were killed during the attacks of New york and Washington D.C., including more than 400 police officers and firefighters. If you may not know what 9/11 is it is the day when American Boeing Airlines loaded with 20,000 gallons of fuel crashed into the World Trade Center. The crash left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th to the 110th floor. About 18 minutes after the first crash on the north side of the Trade Center, the second Boeing plane hit the south side of the building on the 60th floor. The collision of the two planes made a massive explosion that showered debri.The people that were involved
Did you know that almost 3,000 people died on 9/11? People hijacked four planes and crashed them into the Pentagon, both World Trade Center buildings and into a field in Pennsylvania. 9/11 was a historical event because of what happened before, during and after.
Did you know, that one person escaped the tower with seconds to spare? A man named Ron DiFrancesco was trying to escape from the South tower, after the North Tower had been attacked, when the second hijacked plane hit between floor 77 and floor 85 of the South Tower. The explosion threw him against the wall, but, however, he was able to carry on to the ground floor from floor 81 in the same time the building was standing after the attack, and then it had collapsed behind him as he was escaping from the building. The attacks on September 11, 2001 had many important effects such as a change in immigrations laws, starting wars, and changed airport rules.
So It was a sad moment for the people that lost their lives that day the day of September 9,2001 or a shorter word 9/11. The people that hit the two Twin Towers and the Pentagon and one was going for the White House but there was a fight in the plane that was going to the White House. But the plane was crashing in a field at Pennsylvania. So, every year at 9/11 they will have a memory for the people that died that day from the two Twin Towers. So, if you will try to go too see the twin towers they are not there because of the 9/11 they did not try to rebuild it so they just put water in the outside and there is trees too. So if you try to go there in the night you will see the light in the middle where it was.
An event such as 9/11 was bound to occur at some point and time, due to the United States’ strained relationship with the Middle East, with roots back to the year 1910. However, it wasn’t until the Gulf War in 1991, when tensions began to run high. The Gulf War began due to an Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who ordered an invasion of Kuwait. Neighbouring countries were alarmed by the news and immediately asked for Western nations to intervene, fearing Hussein would continue to feed his power hunger and advance to other Arabian countries. Finally after forty two days at war, his troops surrendered. From this moment on, the events leading up to the attack on 9/11 snowballed. This is evidenced by, “After the Gulf War ended in 1991, the United
On September 11, a plane crashed into The World Trade Center, demolishing both buildings. Many people were affected by this tragedy, some even were diagnosed with cancer from trying to clean up ground zero. There are speculations that the people who did have health issues were the ones not wearing the respirators, and many died because of not protecting themselves from the dangerous fumes. Some did not realize that, it could be the last day they might see their families and rushed out without saying goodbyes for the last time. There was little help provided to the sick workers. The lawyers of the workers treat them more as heros then the people who employed them to help clean up after the World Trade Center attack. There were many rising concerns given after the attack and a vast majority of people wish those concerns would be addressed.
At the point when 9/11 happened, I was an eighth grader in South Florida, and an amazingly naive nationalist. I observed with sickening apprehension as the second tower fell live on the TV in my show class. I needed activity! How set out the "scalawags" do such a marvel to my kindred Americans!
Paragraph 1: The two media sources i am using is Television and the Internet on 9/11 disasters. The television and The Internet will help me because i can use like CNN news or History channel and i can also research on the 9/11 attack. The disaster and the devastation and the fatality on 9/11. Journalist are reliable because without they help i wouldn't tell you about the 9/11 disaster. When did this disaster occurred? On September 11,2001 8:45 A.M. on a clear Tuesday morning. Where did this disaster occurred? The World Trade Center in New York City near the Twin Tower. Another one happened in Pentagon outside of Washington D.C. and Also in Pennsylvania.
This week we mark the 14th anniversary of one of the worst days in American history -- the day we have come to know by two numbers: 9/11.
The topic of the interview used for the interview was 9/11. 9/11 was used because 9/11 was a big point in American History and it is always an interesting to get peoples opinions about 9/11 because there are so many different stories that people have about what they experienced that day. The interviewee was Carolyn Alexander and she was interviewed because even though she lived on the west coast when 9/11 happened, she was still impacted in multiple ways. Carolyn was impacted because she was just as surprised as everybody else when she found out about 9/11.
is: the way do we comprehend what happened, and in what capacity would we be able to make headway?
WHOOSH! Flames of fire ring out from everywhere. Many citizens are confused about what just happened, but then they start to realize that planes just hit the Twin Towers. Later they realize that nine-eleven was just created. Nine-eleven was a terrible thing that happened to the U.S because many things happened and many people were affected by the actions of which created it. There are so many problems in the world and nine-eleven was one of the worst ones because there were many casualties, horrible attackers, and it was such a mess!
On the morning of September 11, 2001, an Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda carried out a series of four attacks on the United States. The most well-known attack is when two commercial airline planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Many innocent lives were lost and families were torn apart. While many Americans were determined to show their resilience towards the attacks, this is a day many Americans will never forget. Although the attacks happened sixteen years ago, Americans are still dealing with the impacts these attacks have had on life in America. The 9/11 attacks have had several long-lasting effects on everyday life in America, some of which include an increase in airport security, a change in national security, and an increase the fear of terrorism.
Have you ever been involved in a car accident? Usually people get hurt or even die. Since you wouldn’t be able to see or understand what’s happening around you how would you know what is happening around you? Your only option is to trust the first responders. First responders do a lot of training and hard work to help people like you, but what exactly do they have to do.