
9/11 Research Papers

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American Safety Since 9/11 Many Americans believe that national security only concerns the safety of the white, middle to upper class family. National security should also involve the poor and people of color. Yes, white people have hidden under the blanket of national security since 9/11 due to laws and organizations; such as the Homeland Security Act, which started surveillance of Americans, mostly Arab Americans. American citizens threaten and even kill Middle Eastern- Americans everyday for a crime they did not commit. The Patriot Act. Signed by George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, this act provided the government permission to spy on Americans. NSA can now monitor phone calls, emails, bank and credit report records, and Internet activity. …show more content…

The terrorism towards Muslim-Americans pales in comparison to the war in the Middle East. During 9/11, al-Qaeda (a terrorist group made of citizens of several countries, not affiliated with any government whatsoever) killed over 3,000 Americans. In return American troops killed, 1.7 million Iraqi civilians, mostly children, in the Iraq war. Americans also killed roughly 3 million Afghan since the early 90’s, before 9/11. Altogether, Americans have afflicted around 7 million in the Middle East. However, the American government hides the death toll and researchers find it difficult to document Arab deaths due to language barriers and information manipulation. Nevertheless, Americans have killed from 6 to 8 million Islam. Not only can many people consider this morally wrong to kill innocent civilians because of a terrorist attack they had nothing to do with, but it also puts a bigger target on America. ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups will not take too kindly that 7 million of their people killed by Americans. They will seek revenge and do everything in their power to raise their death toll on America (15 Years After …show more content…

The American people all consider this aspect of our country by far the most important. They consider killing our enemies far more important than, for example, their children's education and future or the stability of the suffering veterans that have endured war. They consider seeking revenge for the tragedy that happened fifteen years ago more important than medicine and helping the sick, the poor, the homeless, the suffering, the American citizens that need help. The government needs to focus on America first, and then think about seeking revenge for the lives lost on 9/11. However, the exact opposite happens in the government’s budget spending. 53.7% of America’s spending goes to the military while only 6.3% goes towards education (Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go). 598.5 billion dollars goes to the war in the Middle East every year; America gives more money to their military than China, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, India, Germany, France, Italy, and South Korea combined (Defense Budget by Country). The American government spends their money on an overpolitasized war while they could spend it on education. Education leads to better jobs and a higher job growth. Better jobs will lead to less crime since most criminals turn to crime in search of money. Less crime makes America safer for obvious

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