
9/11 Meeting Narrative Essay

Decent Essays


I was sitting in the restroom when the supervisor came on the speaker, announcing that we would be getting off of work early, and for us to report to the break room. So several colleagues and I started heading to the break room. As we walked in, supervisors with alarmed and terrified faces desperately pointed us to the tables. Folks were muttering, crying, and screaming. I sat down at one of the lengthy, and smooth brown tables. I was waiting anxiously to hear what was happening. I looked and saw horrible white walls and lots of folks. As more colleagues came in the huge breakroom, supervisors and managers were walking around, with disturbed faces, and some had dried up tears running down their faces. I, as many others, looked confused, colleague to colleague, pondering what in the world was …show more content…

It felt like forever had passed, but as I kept looking up at the clock, I realized it had only been a few minutes from since we first reached the huge break room tables. My supervisor finally went up to the front of the break room and through his tears, he managed to inform us that hijackers had taken over airplanes and collided them into the Twin Towers in New York City. So much silence filled the room; you could hear a pin drop. Everybody’s blank and puzzled gazes twisted into an afraid and horrified look, like they had just seen a ghost appear. Mr. Smith, the vice president of the company, told us not to fear too much, New York is a long way away from us. Not one person moved an inch. There were looks of horror and shock throughout the break room. A few seconds of quietness passed when finally Mrs. Smith turned on the televisions in the break room. The only thing I saw was smoke, dust, haze, torn clothing, buildings on fire, and people running around trying to take cover. My mind will never forget that picture, it still feels like it happened just yesterday. We all sat completely horrified in fear as everyone pondered if we would

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