
9/11 Attack Research Paper

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With every light that shines the will always be a shadow threatening to take over. On February 23, 1993, the Towers fell under attack for the first time. A rented van was parked with hydrogen canisters in the back was parked in the garage two floors down about six feet from the south wall of the north tower, at 12:18 the bomb exploded (World Trade Center - Anatomy of the Collapse). This explosion killed six, and injured 1,000, 5,00 were evacuated because of smoke inhalation. The explosion left a 60 by 60-foot crater, and cause 500 million dollars in damage ( Staff). The core of the tower acted like a vent, carrying the smoke up through the stairwells and elevator shafts, causing smoke inhalation which is dangerous to the workers and visitors. …show more content…

Up until this attack, American has never had a severe terrorist attack, this acted as a wake-up call. The investigation went very well, in march Mohammad Salameh, Ahmad Ajaj, Nidal Ayyad, and Mahmoud Abouhalima were tried and convicted for the attack, it is believed that they were connected to Al Qaeda the terrorist group(The 9/11 Commission Report). The problem with such a successful investigation and recovery it leads everyone to believe that they were well equipped to handle terrorism, but little did they know they were extremely ill

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