
8th Grade Math Teacher Research Paper

Decent Essays

Learning Learning. I’ve been in school learning for 13 years if you include pre-school. I’ve kind been learning I should say, because I really have to have a good teacher but even if I do, overtime I tend to forget what I’ve been taught. School isn’t the best for me either as I struggle a little bit with focusing, and as I said trying to soak up all the stuff thrown at me. I think personally, the best way for me to learn is hands on, and/or a lot of notes and tricks on one specific topic. However I still do try my hardest no matter the teaching style of my teacher.

So far as I’m a junior in high school, coming around to the last half of being a junior. I can’t remember stuff just right off the top of my head, it sometimes hits me at odd times, or it has to be in the flow. My biggest struggle is math, especially in math I …show more content…

In math I used to take a lot for classwork and homework so I could get by. Again in other classes I don’t need to take as much notes because the other subjects I take make sense. My 8th grade math teacher was probably one of the better math teachers I had, because she would have us take a lot of notes on one thing until generally everyone in the class knew what was going on. She had a lot of patience and she showed us a lot of tricks to solve different …show more content…

This probably is the best way for me to learn. My sophomore year and freshman year we had an academy called ASE (Academy of Sustainable Education) And the whole academy was in on learning how to live more sustainable and we all pursued in to our own sustainable projects (mine was solar RC cars). Not only did we have these personal group projects, but the whole academy would learn about, aquaponics, solar systems, composting, etc. It was a cool way to learn, you would be outside, out at field trips, building, using your hands, using different calculations for math. I know that personally for me, the best way to learn is Hands

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