
4-Hrm/531 Week 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

1. Please tell us about yourself in a paragraph or two. The advisors and the executive team want to know who you are as a person. (Major, interests, etc.) Throughout high school 4-H and FFA were both very important to me. These organizations fueled my love for agriculture and ultimately were instrumental in deciding my college major. I am an Agriculture Communication major with a Food Science minor. I love and communication goals, and objectives to others and I this is why public relations is the dream job for me. I am very interested in the sheep industry and love helping my nine year old sister and other livestock exhibitors with their show animals. If I am not with friends, working on school work, involved in organizations, you can …show more content…

They changed me from a very self-conscious timid girl into the bubbly leader that I am today. Through these two organizations I was able to see the impact that agriculture has. Those working in an agriculture field are feeding and providing for our world today. Agriculture also shows our youth the importance of hard work and is shaping our future leaders, it has changed me and I know that it is continuing to change others everyday. 6. Oklahoma State University has a rich heritage steeped in tradition. How do you plan to become a part of that heritage once you have become an alum? What new traditions would you like to see in Alpha Zeta? When becoming an Alum of the best university, Oklahoma State University, I want to continue to support the university that helped to further my future. Spreading the word of the opportunities that Oklahoma State offers has a large impact on the number of students that attend this university. I plan to let many potential students know what this college has done and continues to do for me. I would love to see that Alpha Zeta has a large role in campus activities, and continues to grow membership each year. With a large student involvement, and respect among campus this organization has only a bright

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