
3.1 Describe How to Manage an Infant and a Child with Foreign Bodies in Their Eyes, Ears and Nose.

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3.1 Describe how to manage an infant and a child with foreign bodies in their eyes, ears and nose.

Children having foreign bodies in their eyes, ears and noses are common things you will see this a lot if you were to work in a minor injuries unit or in a walk in centre. There are several things that can gets stuck in any of these places crayons, glitter and beads. Beads fit into the ears and noses incredibly well, its almost like they are asking for it to happen. When things get stuck up a child's nose or ears, unless there is enough sticking out to get a firm grip on E.g. a crayon, and gently ease it out don't touch it as the result will be it becoming further stuck in. In times like these you simply need to call the first aider of take …show more content…

It isn't uncommon for children to have to use these before they do any exercise and they should always have their inhaler to help deal with there asthma should they need it. If they do not have it available and it is left untreated then the child could then die from an asthma attack.

To help the child you can: Try making the child more comfortable it is recommended to put them in a seating position so that are comfy and it encourages air to get to the lungs. Encourage the child to use their inhaler. It will usually be a blue inhaler. Reassure the child n try to get them to breathe deep, slow breaths. If the attack does not calm down then call for an ambulance.

Sickle cell anaemia
Sickle cell anaemia is caused when the red blood cells are of an unusual shape. This is a condition which is genetically inherited and is especially common in Afro-Caribbean children. Children who have sickle cell disease can have what's called a sickle cell crisis, this is due to the misshaped blood cells that cling to each other and gather in the joints of the body. This is usually very painful and can make the child very uncomfortable and distressed. The setting should be given instructions from the parents on how to treat the child. This is usually done by comforting the child and calling for medical help or an ambulance.

Diabetes is a life long medical condition that is due to the body not producing enough insulin to control the sugars that are in the body.

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