
24 Response Essay

Decent Essays

There he was, sitting at a soulless lunch table, munching on his sandwich, wondering why he stuck out as someone peculiar to others. Watching the other children laugh and share jokes his heart melted with sorrow, but he held onto the tears that were ready to escape, like a river is ready to plunge down the waterfall. Knowingly not wanting to bring in attention, even though he felt invisible. 62.5% of 8th grade students at Cooper Middle school came clean, expressing their sorrow about struggling to find friends at some point in their lifetime. There are bountiful reasons as of why and 62.5% out of 24 responses made by the 8th grade students say that it usually happens because of the different backgrounds. Back in the year of 2012-2013, a student of Robert Frost Elementary School attested the minute she tiptoed into the new school, kids would start playing and toying with her simply because she came from a different country. She couldn’t find any friends because everyone always found a way to judge her even though she did nothing wrong. The 4th grader later changed herself and did whatever silly and senseless ideas these children did just to fit …show more content…

It goes many ways and a big way is the skin tone, and it goes both ways between the darker and the lighter. A 13 year young boy was strolling the streets of a neighborhood when a man of the opposite race shooed him off complaining that ¨If I was in your neighborhood I would be jumped.¨ So why is it that there is such material as ¨your¨ neighborhood and ¨my¨ neighborhood, but not ¨this/our¨ neighborhood? ¨It is hard to make new friends when you are different races. Standards and Stereotypes are put in place at schools and our society,¨ A point made clear as crystal. Don’t be that person that believes them, because if you compose assumptions, it will only lead to more stereotypes that are most likely

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