
21st Century Stereotypes Of Women

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In this essay I will be looking at two advertisements that were published in 1972 and 2008. The reason for choosing these advertisements is that they show the different ways of how women are being portrayed in the 20th century and in the 21st century. I will thoroughly analyze each advertisement based on stylistic devices, colors, image and context.
There are various approaches to portray the ideal young lady. One man can portray her as one who has the minimum essentials, like two legs, two hands and a head. Another male may describe her as one that has a multi-million dollar work with the house by the lake. The thought of being “perfect” has advances itself over the previous years, developing from a trend into an obsession. The ideal picture was initially acquired by Hollywood stars and more fortunate ladies, however in the long run, different young ladies began to obsess themselves to appear as same as others. Because the biggest stereotype that we see in the modern advertisements is that women have to be pretty to be loved, another stereotype that we can see on the daily basis is that man is always the one that leads the women and that gives him an ability to take over her. …show more content…

Media is “communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, phone and internet.” (
What is stereotype? Stereotype is a simplified generalization about a person, a group of people or gender without thinking about individual differences.
Girls and women are usually stereotyped as emotional, weak, helpless, overly concerned with a romantic relationship and focused on

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