
2081 And Everyone Was Now Equal In Harrison Bergeron

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In the story "Harrison Bergerson" the year was 2081, and everyone was now "equal". If you were born with a way above normal average of intelligence or just anything above average you were given a handicap. This would be placed in your ear and you were required to wear this at all times. This ear piece was tuned to a government transmitter and every 20 seconds or so, the transmitter would send out a sharp noise. This allowed people from using their brains and going into deep thought. Born with athletic skills, maybe you run fast and you do things at a faster pace than everyone else. This just being something that you were born with, you can't help this at all. You are burdened with sashweights these are lead weights used in some kinds of windows to keep them from falling shut when raised. Bird Shots were used to, which are tiny lead pellets made to be loaded in shotgun shells. This made them not be able to use their special athletic abilities and to be more like an average person. Well, atleast that's what the Handicapper General Diana Moon Glampers thought. …show more content…

Also equivalent to the synonyms identical and uniform. No one is the same not even identical twins, no one can have the exact same personality or the exact same abilities. There is always going to be something different. For instance there can be 100 people that look just like your mom but you are going to know which one is YOUR mother. If it's the way she smiles or her personality whether she's a bubbly or serious person you are going to know which one belongs to you. Why? because no one is the same no matter how hard you try to duplicate or make something the same. It just can't be, there's going to always be a unique thing about that person/

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