
2.5 Study Special Populations

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2.5 Studying special populations
Qualitative research provides advantages for studies that involve special populations, including those that are traditionally underrepresented in research and those with low literacy. Qualitative data collection methods through open ended interviews, may be more effective and less intimidating than surveys for those who have been marginalized in research in the past (Bower & Scambler 2007). For instance, the Qualitative Research for Immigrant populations. Immigrants, however, may have different cultural backgrounds and previous exposure to research. Commonly adopted research procedures, such as the informed consent process, may be culturally inappropriate for research with culturally diverse populations, and hence require cultural adaptations (Lu & Gatua 2014).

3. The problems of qualitative methodology
Since there are differences in nature and assumptions of the data and questions to be answered in qualitative research, the problems may be found in qualitative research such as sampling issues, researcher-subject relationship in qualitative research, methodology, data, reliability and ethical issue (Carr 1994; George, Kruger & Tennant 2012; Malterud, K 2001).

3.1 Sampling …show more content…

These conditions may affect the generalizability of the study, therefore qualitative research has considered has low population validity (Carr 1994). Moreover, Al-busaidi in 2008 asserted that statistical representativeness is not taken into consideration as a prime requirement and is not commonly sought. As a result, qualitative data collection is inefficiency in time and

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