1. With access to water my life is good because with water I can hydrate properly and clinch my thirst with one of, if not the best thing that I can put into my body. Also I can safely clean my self. 2. If we were to run out of water my life would be different because I couldn't hydrate properly, get nutrients from the water, and I would not really have anything to drink because I really only drink water and two other liquids, but I drink water 90% of the time. I couldn't clean myself, so therefore I would stink all day. 3. If we had poor quality or unclean water I would be sick because of the amount of water I drink, and because if I tried to clean myself with the water I could and probably would get the dangerous bacteria in me.
If I didn’t have access to clean water but contaminated water, my life won’t change much because I could just boiled the water and turn the water into drinkable water. But if I did not have easy access to water, then my life will
Everyday we take our resources for granted because they're at our fingertips. However, one of the resources we need the most is the resource that's most abused: water. We use water everyday for drinking, cooking, or watering plants. However, what would happen if water wasn't instant? Instead limited and scarce?
2. What are examples of bacteria and pathogen of concern in water that can cause illness?
Water is the central well being of people and this planet. Life without water is hard to imagine. It’s hard to believe that people around the world live without water. John Thorson once said “Water links us to our neighbor in a way more profound than any other.” The substance that consumes nearly 75% of earth may become contaminated in more areas than we could ever imagine.
a homeowner 's maintenance of a beautiful lawn because this creates an external benefit for the neighbors
Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse.
for our bodies, the benefits that come with drinking water and a few methods to help you
Human body contains more than 50 percent of water present in the form of body fluid and cellular fluid. Because our body contains water and eliminates waste materials through water excretion, we need to drink adequate quantity of water in order replenish the water percentage in our body. A dehydrated body will not be able to perform the vital functions.
Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race.
Despite the strong claims being made by many parties, some individuals are still not drinking water. The excuses for not drinking water vary in such ways as; forgetting and water being inaccessible. Much of the American public, however, is uninformed about the benefits and the consequences on health of not drinking water. Also, many Americans think that any liquid qualifies as hydration. Confusion exists about what is the best liquid to drink and whether purified or higher quality is better. With the misunderstandings and unconcerned public, America is often dehydrated.
Comprising over seventy percent of the Earth's surface, water is undeniably the most valuable natural resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water because it is essential for everything on our planet to grow. The human body is composed of 50-80% water. Blood and muscles contain significant amounts, and approximately 95% of the brain is water. All body systems and organs need water to function properly, and will shut down without it. Most of the chemical reactions that take place in our body need water as their medium. We can live without food for a few weeks, but can survive only a few days without water. It's essential because unlike other nutrients, water isn't stored in the body. Typically, everyday, we lose around 10
Water is the top priority in a human's life it helps with your health and for the Ancient egyptians That was one of the gifts the Nile has given them.It helped them with a lot of things for example for there crops it provided rich soil and something for them to bath in it gave them a drinking source to help them survive.
Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value.
Water is essential for life on earth. Water is needed for growing food, keeping ourselves clean, generating power, controlling fire and most importantly to stay alive! This list is simply non-ending. This shows that water is an integral part of our daily life and we are heavily dependent on it.
Water quality is important to human health. “Water quality refers to the basic and physical characteristics of water that determine its suitability for life or for human