
19th Century Italy Abandoned Children Essay

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Why Were So Many Children Abandoned In 19th Century Italy?

The Counter Reformation in 1648 brought a desire to control women’s sexuality and reproduction. A system that controlled midwives and increased men’s role in overseeing pregnancy and childbirth thus arose. Whereas midwives once protected a woman’s honour, they were now required to monitor illicit pregnancies and bring the illegitimate children to foundling homes. ‘Foundling homes’ were orphanages that housed abandoned children. By the 19th Century, the number of infants left at the ‘foundling homes’ was at such a high rate that the homes were struggling to cope. The contributing factors as to why the number of abandoned infants rose to such heights in the 19th Century are these: an …show more content…

‘Spies’ surveyed unwed women in congregations for any pregnancies so as to protect communities against their morally corrupting effects. Married women were also monitored for pregnancies so as to ensure that no legitimate infants were abandoned since the concern was only with illegitimate infants. In addition, girls and boys were abandoned in equal numbers by the early 19th Century (Barbagli, P125), which reinforces how the concern was not with the gender of the child but the existence of the illegitimate child itself. As a Catholic country, Italy viewed pregnancy as a primarily female issue since ‘nature conceals paternity with an impenetrable veil’ (Kertzer, P70). This view meant that men were free from the obligations of pregnancy and as such, single mothers were without paternal support or state benefits in any form. The harsh solitude that a single mother had to endure would have made the mere thought of having a child completely unbearable. When comparing Italy with Protestant countries in which infant abandonment was near unheard of, it is clear that this contributed to the high rates of infant abandonment in Italy. The societal view that an illegitimate pregnancy was the fault of the woman also meant that

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