
1984 Vs Today

Decent Essays

Years ago, the current world that we live in now would presage to be a futuristic, dystopian era. In the book 1984,the society is characterized by human misery and oppression. In the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, it talks about conspiracies and how society works and socialism. So the question is: Is there a specific conspiracy designed to lead the world into a dystopian society controlled by a small ruling class of social and wealthy elite?

In George Orwell’s 1984, “WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” is constantly presented throughout the book and guide to define the dystopian society that Orwell envisaged for his novel (Orwell, 6). The society was controlled and manipulated and focused on the future. Freedom was not expressed and people were not allowed to be in their own their own thoughts. Citizens were expanding and indicated into a negative state of mind. Most of the ideas in the book have a lot in common with the dystopia or society that is today. …show more content…

For example, Orwell writes about Winston’s stubborness to stick into what he believes in. In the novel, O’Brien pushes Winston to believe that “2+2=5” but Winston resists and knows the real answer (Orwell, 239). In the same way, people like students are being taught certain things, but as they learn later on, there is more to the truth than what they are being told. In some ways, the society shown in 1984 is similar to society today. Unlike the society in the book, the current generation should not focus on mistakes of the past and instead of comparing them, we should learn from

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